As more and more people work remotely and social distancing measures are put in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19, many businesses have switched to online examinations to guarantee a virus free test environment. CertyHub monitors Pearson VUE IT-tests online. In addition to taking exams at the virus free test center, you can now take some of the exams safely in the comfort of your own apartment or home office.


After you have made a booking for the online test, it is important to check that your test environment is fully functional. It is your own responsibility that all your equipment is working and CertyHub team will only be able to assist you remotely.

Before starting the test, make sure your computer and webcam are working and your Internet connection is running smoothly. Run a system check to make sure your computer is ready for the exam. In addition to checking the testing environment, the team needs to check if you are the test taker. The proctoring team will give you instructions on checking your identity.

Remember, even if you have decided to take the test at home or at your office, that does not mean that the same exam rules would not apply to you. Thus, clear your workspace from your notes and any other materials to avoid exam violations.

Any pets or roommates? Make sure that the room is free from any extra noise or distractions. Remember also to close all the open applications on your computer. Your exam will be the only remaining window open.


CertyHub, along with the OnVUE team, will be monitoring the test the entire time through a webcam and microphone connection. Follow the rules of the exam and avoid any unnecessary movements. No one can enter the room during your online exam. In addition, unless you have a scheduled break, you are not permitted to leave the workspace.

If you need any assistance, please follow the instructions of the inspector. Good luck!

Check here which of the certification exams are available to take remotely or see instructions how to book your online exam on our website.