Seuraa ajankohtaisia uutisiamme.
Testianalytiikka 2024: Mitä sertifikaatteja meillä tehtiin eniten viime vuonna?
Kokosimme jälleen testidataa viime vuonna suoritetuista testeistä! Keräsimme tietoa molemmista keskuksistamme Espoossa ja Göteborgissa, ja oli mielenkiintoista huomata näiden kahden [...]
Greater IT industry credibility with Red Hat
Red Hat is a software company that specializes in creating enterprise-level open-source products. For IT professionals, earning a Red Hat [...]
Get to know our Partners: ISC2 – Specializing in training and certifying cybersecurity professionals
We at CertyHub partner up with the best certification providers to deliver high-stakes certifications and exams. One of these [...]
Asiakaskokemus: CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
Tarjoamme räätälöityjä sertifiointiprosesseja kaikenkokoisille yrityksille. Yksi asiakkaistamme, CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy, on kokenut palvelun erittäin toimivaksi heidän organisaatiolleen. [...]
Nämä testit olivat testikeskuksemme suosituimpia vuonna 2022
Kokosimme viime vuoden testidatan Espoon ja Göteborgin testikeskuksista selvittääksemme, kuinka paljon mitäkin sertifikaatteja suoritetaan. Mielenkiintoista oli huomata kahden testikeskuksen [...]
Tili-insituuttisäätiö: ”CertyHubilta löytyi kaipaamamme palvelukokonaisuus”
Tili-instituuttisäätiö toimii yhteistyössä Taloushallintoliiton kanssa, joka on Suomen suurin taloushallintoalankouluttaja ja edunvalvoja. Tili-instituuttisäätiö vastaa Taloushallinnon pätevyyksistä: KLT-tutkinnosta, PHT-tutkinnosta ja [...]
Mitä virusvapaat tilat käytännössä tarkoittavat?
Tehtävämme on auttaa ihmisiä todentamaan heidän osaamistaan erilaisten sertifikaattien ja testien muodossa. Testikeskuksissamme käy päivittäin eri alojen edustajia IT-ammattilaisista [...]
Hey future Microsoft expert!
We have a great offer for your start in Microsoft certifications – Take the Fundamentals exam with CertyHub with [...]
CertyHub provided certifications: ServiceNow Certifications – Unlock your potential with professional certification!
ServiceNow’s cloud-based platform and solutions deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity. Getting ServiceNow certified means [...]
CertyHub provided certifications: Google Cloud Certifications – Add value to your organization by gaining Cloud knowledge!
Google Cloud is there to help businesses solve their biggest obstacles. Google Cloud makes it possible to modernize your business [...]
CertyHub provided certifications: AWS Certifications – Boost your professional credibility with cloud skills!
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most extensive cloud platforms, offering over 200 fully featured services for businesses [...]
Get to know our Partners: PSI – a full-service assessment provider
CertyHub works in cooperation with well-known international certification partners in order to provide the highest quality service and the widest [...]
Get to know our Partners: Pearson Vue – Empowering professions by certifying and licensing individuals
CertyHub partners with international certification providers to deliver high-stakes certification tests and exams. The goal is to empower professions and [...]
Get to know our Partners: Kryterion
CertyHub works in cooperation with well-known international certification partners to build and deliver skills tests, online assessments and more [...]
Get to know our Partners: GMAT ™ – The beginning of your business career
The GMAT™ (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a computer-based exam, that assesses the candidates’ analytical writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in standard [...]
Get to know our Partners: PTE Academic uses AI to mark the English tests
PTE Academic is the first completely computer-based English language test for international study and immigration that is accepted across [...]
Take Online Test at home with CertyHub
As more and more people work remotely and social distancing measures are put in place to prevent the spread [...]
CertyHub goes Gothenburg
CertyHub expands its operations in the Nordic market. The first step will be the city of Gothenburg, in Sweden. [...]
Get your team certified!
Book a private certification event with CertyHub By getting your team certified, you support your employees’ professional skills and [...]
CertyHub provides virus free spaces for test takers
CertyHub’s certification services play a big role in the Finnish society and educational system. CertyHub is the only operator in [...]
Get certified effortlessly with CertyHub
Every year millions of people around the world seek new qualifications, skills and career opportunities through licensing and certification. [...]
Secure booking with CertyHub online voucher
Getting your team certified is a great way to enhance the skills and job performance of your colleagues and [...]
SwanIT Certifications is CertyHub
We are proud to announce that SwanIT will change its brand name and corporate identity of the Certification Services to [...]
Time to Go Digital – With CertyHub it is possible
Are you ready to leave the paper behind? As more and more businesses work online and meetings often happen [...]