Take the test in our test centers
You can take the test effortlessly in our test centers. We will provide you all the materials needed for taking the test.

Where would you like to get certified?
Rest of Finland
Before the test
Most tests require one official photo ID and another card, which should show your name and signature (for example a credit card). Both cards must be valid. We recommend you to arrive to the test center 30 minutes before your scheduled time.
In addition to studying for the test itself, the candidates should read the rules of the test operator (eg. Pearson VUE, Kryterion) carefully before entering the test center. Eating and drinking in the testing room is forbidden and personal belongings (cellphone, handbag, etc.) must not be taken in the testing room.
During the test
Pearson VUE rules state that friends and family members of the candidate may not be at the test center during the candidate’s test. However, there are restaurants near both test centers where you are most welcome to wait during the test appointment of your family member.
Some tests include a scheduled break, but mostly breaks are not included in the test time. However, depending on the exam sponsor’s rules, you can usually take a short unscheduled break keeping in mind that the test clock keeps running. It is forbidden to leave the test center and to visit the locker during the break. The break policy for each test is explained to each test taker separately before the test begins.
Taking the test Online
You can learn about taking a test online here.
“Over the past two years, the Certyhub team has worked with us to deliver two important project milestones. One was to launch professional testing services in a strategically important new location. The other was the collaboration to deliver an important new client exam launch.”
Selects Sales & Operations Manager, Pearson VUE
“Hello guys! Thanks for providing me to try PTE-A and for your friendly and professional behaviour I faced during my test in Espoo. Your test center was the place where I was able to do it and get the scores I needed.”
“Kävin taas tekemässä testin SwanIT:ssä. Kyseinen testikeskus sijaitsee Pohjois-Tapiolassa ja sopii minulle loistavasti sijaintinsa puolesta. Testitila on rauhallinen, ja aikoja saa helposti. Palvelu on ystävällistä.”
“Olin tekemässä GMAT-testin CertyHubilla ennen joulua. Yrityksen testihuone ja muut tilat olivat todella siistit ja palvelu oli erittäin ystävällistä (oli mm kahvia, teetä jne tenttiläisille). Haluan kiittää CertyHubia kokonaisuutena hyvästä järjestelystä ja palvelusta.”